Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hi, this is Greg and Shalyse! Trying to fill in for Julee. We will now hack into Julee's blog from time to time and update for her! Check back often as we will be updating regularly. In fact, at this moment Bill, Linda, Brian, Shalyse, Hallie, the Weske's, Bonnie and the Abel Family are in Ashland watching the BYU-TCU game, eating dinner, and discussing Shalyse's cravings. I am sure you are all jealous and wish you were here. Dinner was Julee's chicken enchiladas, chips, beans, guacamole, and five day old, twice baked home made rolls. William is doing homework, trying to find the Ural mountains with his Grandma Abel and Blake and Dawson are playing catch. The littles are chasing Hallie, or Hallie is chasing the littles. Julee is drinking water and looking hot! Her job tonight is to stand there and let me look at her! Fairly average Thursday night in the Abel home.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

I like your "fill-in" job, Greg and Shalyse. Keep it up!